Although this document concerns slaughter and processing for meat production, poultry are also kept for their eggs. Eggs are a highly versatile food containing many essential nutrients. They are classified in the same protein food group as meat, poultry and fish (see Table 4). In developed countries per capita consumption of eggs has remained almost static over the last ten years but in less developed countries has risen by 37%, about 1.5 times faster than population growth. This has been achieved through improvements in local production rather than increased importation. This indicates a sharp increase in poultry husbandry skills and readiness to undertake intensive production. The flocks used for both table and hatchery egg production are found in significant numbers and eventually end up at poultry processing plants.
The outlook for world poultry production is for continued strong growth. Poultry production is projected to continue to expand in N&C America and the EC. Further growth in Asia, particularly Thailand, is expected as a result of strong demand from Japan and the development of the EC market. Growing domestic demand in Brazil & China should result in higher production levels. In the old Soviet Bloc and eastern Europe, production is projected to fall as a result of reorganisation following market liberalisation. Demand in less developed countries will continue to grow at least apace with population.